It’s simply bonkers that I’m writing this on a November day when its 75 degrees outside. Never have I actually yearned for it to be cold out generally speaking, but man, is this weather making me actually wish it. That’s why I’m bringing back a look I wore in early September on a day it was a cool 50. Speaking of yearning for the cold, Winter’s Tale is one of those Shakespeare plays that doesn’t get enough street cred in my book. It’s an interesting story — and one of the parts I wanted to draw to with this look was honoring the character Hermione. TLDR: Hermione gets imprisoned by her own husband, King Leontes, because he believes she was disloyal to him (ugh, she wasn’t) — and long story short, she ends up dying post-childbirth, then said child, was banished. Once her daughter returns, and it is revealed that she is indeed the daughter of Leontes, a statue is erected in Hermione’s honor. This statue then comes to life while music is played at the end of the play, and all concludes in a wedding. All’s this to say that I find the statue a really interesting device in this story. While the bard couldn’t resurrect her per se, he honored her by choosing a supernatural approach to give her character a happy ending despite her physical demise.

Inspired by Hermione’s resilient character, I put together this look that I feel like is the perfect mix of dressy and resilient (especially in the cold). Sometimes I find it hard to dress up when it’s 🥶 below 55 out there: too many layers, a lot of distress choosing to pop on a sweater overtop, especially if you’re wearing a sleevless dress, to tights or not to tights, the list goes on. I think this look is the ultimate solve for that, thanks to this turtleneck dress I picked up at Nasty Gal (similar here) a few years ago. The turtleneck aspect to it ensures warmth, but it doesn’t sacrifice style thanks to its slinky, tight-to-body nature. I paired it with a creamy white oversized shacket from Cider that’s pretty much become my favorite jacket this time of year to throw over heavier sweaters or light tees, depending on the climate. I wrapped up the look with some white booties, plus my Fendi Mini Double F. Closing with one of my favorite quotes of Winter’s Tale:

“The silence often of pure innocence persuades when speaking fails.”

[Winter’s Tale 2.2]

Cheers, xx - A. Martine