Cannot believe how fast the past three months of 2022 so far have flown by. This month was super eventful — worked a lot, got to attend some cool events, and started planning for some exciting changes coming in the months ahead. I also did a lot of reflecting, thinking and planning for the next year ahead. It’s kind of crazy how fast and slow life passes by. Let these next few months of spring remind you to stop, refresh and restart. What really matters is right in front of you. Sharing some favorite picks, ahead.


Shop Cider Corset Dress (similar here)I’m feeling a strong corset trend coming this spring/summer, so it’s time to stock yourselves up on this 17th century style, lol. This super cute dress from Shop Cider hits the nail of the trend on the head, not to mention I love the V-cut skirt. Will definitely be rocking this one over and over this spring.

Thrifted Levi’s + Zara Jeans — I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again: jeans are best bought at Goodwill, or your nearest thrift store. I got these two skinny pairs, one Levi’s, the other a ripped black Zara, for $18 total, $9 each. Before you splurge on Urban Outfitter or Abercrombie jeans, try thrifting first. You’ll be surprised what you find!


Frasier Sterling ‘S’ Custom Star Crossed Lovers Initial Necklace Ok, so here’s the thing about this necklace. Sean has never wanted me to have this. Seriously, I’ve been battling for this for almost 5!!! years now with him. He finds it weird for me to be wearing his initial on my neck… or anywhere! While I applaud his humility, this is a trend I just love. Initials are so cute, especially in dainty jewelry, so I finally got him to let me get one. I got this custom charm from Frasier Sterling and although I was pleased with the charm, the chain turned silver within two days! of me wearing it. So, I picked up a gold-filled chain from Amazon to replace it and it was so worth it.

Caitlyn Minimalist Curb Chain Name RingSo every few years I get a new custom ring in honor of my grandpa. This has been a reoccurrence because I haven’t yet put aside the money to splurge on a real gold custom ring for him which I plan to do in the coming years. In the meantime, this is the second custom ring I’ve gotten from Caitlyn Minimalist on Etsy, and I love it. I opted for his birthday numbers 1/8/29, and hope this will last me a couple more years until I’m ready to get a REAL one!


Marshall Acton II Home Bluetooth SpeakerI realized that I never actually included my new Marshall speaker in my favorites, so here we are. I asked for this for Christmas from Sean and he delivered 🥺! It’s my favorite new toy and I use it pretty much every Friday and Saturday, non-stop. Can’t wait to actually entertain in the future with it… perhaps in a bigger space? Stay tuned ☺️

Leaving you with some Shakespeare wisdom about staying hopeful:

“True hope is swift and flies with swallow's wings. Kings it makes gods and meaner creatures kings.”

[Richard III 5.2]

To new beginnings! xx - A. Martine